CAAs Done and Dusted.

Posted Thursday May 30, 2024

Over the past fortnight, many of our Year 11 students have been participating in the new Common Assessment Activities (CAAs) for NCEA. The CAAs represent the numeracy and literacy co-requisites that students must gain to complete an NCEA qualification. At St Peter’s, participating in these co-requisite assessments is the first step in our students' journey towards gaining an NCEA qualification.

Staff have been very impressed with how our ākonga acquitted themselves. Across all assessments, students were focused and earnest as they tackled the CAAs. Being pioneers for a brand-new assessment is no easy feat, yet our ākonga demonstrated through their attitude and effort that they were up to the challenge.

A special thank you to our teachers who have supported and guided our ākonga. Well done, everyone!

Results are expected during the week of the 5th of August, and I am hopeful that the outcomes will reflect the ability and application shown by our students.
